Plenary: Electric Vehicles, Compact Cities, or Both? Beyond the False Debate - Sponsored by CLEAResult
Date & Time
Thursday, June 30, 2022, 9:05 AM - 10:00 AM
Harriet Tregoning - New Urban Mobility Alliance (NUMO)
Roland Hwang - Heising-Simons Foundation
Monique López - Pueblo Planning
Erika Myers - CharIN North America
Roland Hwang - Heising-Simons Foundation
Monique López - Pueblo Planning
Erika Myers - CharIN North America

Should cities adopt a compact planning design to reduce pollution and encourage diverse modes of transportation, or should they invest in electrifying their transportation systems? All too often, these are proposed as conflicting alternatives. This discussion will highlight why we need both to address climate change, support historically underserved communities of color, and improve the livability of our communities.