Mini Session | Shift and Sync: Design & Impact of Residential Managed EV Charging Programs - Sponsored by Ev.Energy
Date & Time
Thursday, June 30, 2022, 10:05 AM - 10:35 AM
Brett Wiley Joseph Vellone

Many utilities are piloting and scaling managed EV charging programs to accelerate EV adoption and help manage the impacts of EV charging on the grid. However, if not designed correctly, these programs can end up transferring benefits solely to higher-income ratepayers. If purely focused on EV charging access, they risk overlooking the incredible potential of EV flexibility to soak up abundant renewable power generation, reduce costs, and increase grid resiliency. Several California CCAs have been on the forefront of designing, implementing & scaling managed EV programs that deliver proven grid benefits, while also aligning EV charging with renewable generation and ensuring equitable access to low and moderate-income customers. This session will allow MCE to share key learnings and best practices from their EV programs – namely MCE Sync, their residential smart-charging program - for other CCAs and utilities to replicate beyond California.